Author Quotes

 BORN WITH WINGS – Book Extract

“If you watch closely,” he said, “you will notice that they are looking for seeds that have little fleshy parts attached to them, the elaiosomes. These they carry into their nests to feed their babies. This is how seeds are dispersed underground. At some point in the future, when they know their time has come, they will germinate and grow.”

There was an appraising look in his eyes when he added: “As with many things of value in life, first they have to go through fire.”

She absorbed his words for a while, then asked: “Do plants know that their time is limited? I mean . . . that they die?”

Bending down to her, he gave her an enigmatic glance: “You have to become the plant if you want to uncover its soul.”

“How on earth would I do that,” she thought to herself, her eyelids fluttering under his stare.

What you are the vibration of, appears. What you are not the vibration of remains invisible to you. That’s the secret,” he said.

Born With Wings - Visionary Fiction Novel by Bianca Gubalke (2017)

Photo by Bianca Gubalke in May 2018: ‘Green Praying mantis’

Quoted from “Born with Wings – The Immortal Life of Piu Piu”
Visionary fiction novel by Bianca Gubalke

BORN WITH WINGS by Visionary Fiction Author Bianca Gubalke