Happy Easter 2013

Happy Easter 2013

While Happy Easter 2013 wishes are resounding from all over the world – be it from the new pope, Francis 1, to the old new president of the US, Barack Obama, to the countless names flooding our Email boxes – how happy and profound this day and celebration eventually will be depends on us. Ultimately, happiness is not to be found outside – otherwise material wealth would equal happiness – it’s something we all carry within us.

Clouds above Chapman's Peak

Happy Easter 2013

This year, 2013, as any year I can remember before it, the Happy Easter time marks a change in the year. A new season is upon us down here at the tip of South Africa: autumn! Punctually, the first autumn storms and rains have arrived and although we still have beautifully sunny days with bits of blue skies and the surfers on Noordhoek beach are having a ball, there’s no doubt that the temperatures are cooling down, the nights are shorter, darker and colder and Nature prepares for much heavier rains than we had so far.

Good Wishes for Madiba

For me, Easter is a joyful time of love, laughter and union. Most importantly, it’s a time to go within, to meditate, and search for that light that so often gets obscured by the darkness outside. That’s why I chose the picture above, Chapman’s Peak taken just a few days ago, as a reflection of my thought.

Last but not least, let’s all join the worldwide community of those who pray and are sending good wishes to Madiba – South Africa’s pillar of light, a living legend of humanity and peace!