Ycademy Seminar February 2014

Efficient website publishing  in 2014

Web Design South Africa  focuses on cutting-edge technology and the latest knowledge when it comes to efficient website publishing by using WordPress based Semiomantics Scripts, tuned for high visibility on Google Search and excellence in publishing. This will not change in 2014 – to the contrary!

 Ycademy Seminar February 2014

Ycademy Seminar February 2014

This is why the Ycademy Seminar February 2014 was of particular importance: with so many significant changes on the Internet, especially also as far as Social Networks and the Google algorhythm are concerned – and add to this the overwhelming influence and increasing buying power of the mobile web -, it is imperative that Web Developers and Website Designers gain a profound understanding of the relevant changes and how they impact on the way they present themselves or their customers – their name, their brand, their product or service.

Publishing online has changed – and here internet business as a whole is concerned. With Google being clearly the dominant search engine, we have to learn and adapt to gain and/or keep our top positions in the big Formula One Race  Online. First, this implies that we may have to rethink and change our marketing strategy and, most importantly, streamline our websites and/or publishing network.  Second, we want to hook all of this up correctly with Google+, our preferred social networks (Facebook, Twitter…) and – very important: YouTube! Which, of course, is… Google :)

Besides an increased appetite for original and media-rich content and continuously improved ways of detecting it across the web, and then possibly… hopefully… prioritizing it in terms of SEO, Google has developed a number of services and tools we want to study, understand, setup and implement wisely – in our own interest and that of our valued customers, of course.

So the question is not only WHAT I publish, but HOW I do it!  HOW do I want Google to profile me? The fascinating part here is that Google endeavours with all its amazingly limitless means to … KNOW YOU & ME! Just have a look at what Hummingbird is all about to get the idea! Just imagine… GOOGLE MEETS YOU! That’s what it’s all about! Of course, it’s not innocent and today noone is that blind not to see the real driving force behind it: targeted marketing at a level we’ve never seen before! But what we know we don’t fear – and it’s up to use to allow how far we want to take it, while benefiting from what helps us to achieve our goals, too! Give & take!

This Seminar addressed the changing internet landscape as far as we as website designers and marketers are concerned. As a beginning… a first step… of many exciting moves to come!